Net Zero Commitment

In line with its vision to be a Net Zero Campus by 2028, producing professional with high technical knowledge, professional skills and ethical values, Anna university is committed to institutional practices and personal behaviours that will foster public health, environmental protection, and energy conservation.

Proposals in pipeline to assure Net Zero CommitmentClick Here

  • A proposal for generating a 500kW solar panel in the main campus has been approved in the Syndicate, and tender work is underway.
  • Replacement of conventional electric heaters with centralized heat pump based systems at NRI hostels
  • Replacement of conventional electric heaters with solar electric heaters at Hostels
  • Replacement of existing inefficient air conditioners with energy efficient ones
  • Replacement of conventional fans with energy efficient BLDC fans (in areas of higher operating hours)
  • Replacement of conventional tube lights with energy efficient LED luminaries (in areas of higher operating hours)

Establishment of Green Data Centre:

M/s Temenos India Private Limited had expressed their interest in setting up a Green Data Centre at Centre for University Industry Collaboration (CUIC) through the installation of solar plant. The Temenos CSR committee had approved the solar project for 50kW on grid solar system with the total cost of 27.39 lakhs. The establishment of the facility in the premises of CUIC have a direct impact on Environment – Carbon Dioxide offset – 1,266.0 metric tons, coal burn avoided – 608 metric tons, equivalent acres of forest – 1,439.2 / year, equivalent number of trees planted – 20,288 trees, petrol consumption avoided 5,22,889.1 litres and equivalent kilometres driven 48,20,596.9.

Addition of Sewage Treatment Plants:

The 200 KLD capacity STP which was under construction in the main campus is under trial now. In MIT campus a new STP of capacity 250 KLD is under construction.

Way forward for Net-Zero EmissionsClick Here

Net Zero Campus Activities

Zero Liquid Discharge

Sewage Water Treatment

Wastewater treatment plants operate in the Main campus (300 KLD) and MIT Campus (200 KLD). Due to an increase in the students' strength, the quantum of wastewater generated is rising. A 300 KLD treatment plant with an ultra-filtration facility and back washing arrangement in the students’ hostels is nearing completion in the main campus. A similar facility with 200 KLD capacities is under construction at MIT campus. In addition, a 200 KLD treatment plant is under construction in the Main campus, and it is planned to use the treated water for gardening purposes.

An average of 9 lakh litres/day and 4 lakh litres/day of wastewater is generated from various parts of the Main and MIT campus to the Sewage Treatment and Recycling plant, which can treat 9 lakh litres of water per day. The treated wastewater irrigates lawns and gardens through Sprinkler Irrigation Systems. The wastewater from the kitchen is used for the in-house vegetable garden. It is also proposed to modernize the existing Sewage Treatment Recycling Plant to improve the treated water quality standards for flushing toilets in the new buildings.

300KLD Waste Water Treatment Plant at Main Campus

Rainwater Harvesting

The University adopts a zero-drain policy. Rainwater from the building’s rooftops and surface runoff is stored for groundwater recharge. The total catchment area during the last 5 years is 51727 sq.m.

A pond has been constructed in the Main campus and MIT campus for storing surface run-off water generated in both campuses. The approximate area of the recharge pond is around 2000 sq.m.

Net Zero Energy

Solar Energy

Power generation by solar energy and energy conservation

Solar power of nearly 105 kW is generated in Anna University Main campus, the CUIC, Centre for Excellence building, AU-FRG-ICC, and Thamarai Hostels, and in MIT campus, the Lecture Hall Complex and Marutham Hostels.

All the air conditioners installed in the Departments follow the energy conservation policy (3-Star Quality Rating System).

Solar Power Plants aggregating to 85kW had been installed by IES at rooftop of Thermal Sciences Building and Centre for Excellence building. These SPV plants are able to replace about 1.4 lakh units of electricity sourced from TANGEDCO and mitigate about 167 tons of associated CO2 emissions every year.

SPV Power Plants

Solar Power street lighting Systems

219 street lights installed at CEG and MIT campus are powered exclusively using SPV systems. 74 numbers of 330 Wp solar panels aggregating to 24 kW capacity were installed to provide the power supply to these street lights.The street lamps in the four campuses have been converted to LED lamps. Nearly 75% of the street lamps on the campuses are LED lamps, and 25% of internal lighting on the campuses is through LED bulbs.

Sensor-based on-and-off switching of the streetlamps on the campus has been implemented.

Solar Street Light Installed at CEG and MIT Campus

Development of a 5 kW DC micro grid system

A DC micro grid is a localized power system that can run independent of the main power grid by generating and utilizing its own DC power. A 5 kW standalone solar PV system is installed on the rooftop of the Department of EEE. The DC Load details LED tube lights – 16 Nos; Ceiling fans – 8 Nos; Wall mounted fans– 4 Nos and 1 ton air conditioner - 2 Nos. The system operates completely in DC power. For redundancy, grid supply is also connected to controller. This system has 4 Nos. of 12V, 200 Ah, C10 Lead acid batteries connected in series with a backup of 8 hours.

A 5 kW DC micro grid system with loads

Installation of Smart Meter Network and Monitoring System for energy monitoring and targeting

Network load monitoring meters (50 Nos.) is installed at 50 different buildings in Anna University. All 50 meters installed in the campus transfers data to a centralized server through wireless data connection. Various electrical parameters are remotely monitored and used later for load analysis, forecasting or energy audit. Network load monitoring systems is used for monitoring electricity consumption pattern in a building and for load analysis. It is very useful during load forecasting and load scheduling. Depending on the load, energy requirement in a building can be planned. It is also useful in planning the capacity and installing renewable energy-based power generation system.

A Campus wide network load monitoring system (45 net meters installed in various buildings) is established. This setup is useful for monitoring continuous energy consumption and, intern to initiate energy conservation measures.

Smart Meter Network and Networked load monitoring system

Net Zero Solid Waste

Bio Gas Power Plant

Disposal of food and vegetable waste from hostel mess has been an perennial issue for the hostel administration. These wastes are generated in large quantities (around 1 ton per day). Hostel mess is using about 600 commercial LPG cylinders per month for cooking. A biogas plant of 1 Ton capacity has been installed towards utilisation of these food/vegetable waste for biogas generation to reduce the dependence of LPG. Residues from the biogas plants is being utilised as a manure for organic farming.

One TPD capacity biogas plant - 1000 kg/day (6 m3 gas holder)

Bio- Fertilizers

The organic wet waste from hostel kitchens, mess, and canteen is sent to the biogas plant. The gas generated is used for cooking purposes at the hostel kitchens, and the slurry generated is used as fertilizer in the organic farm at the campuses

Organic waste is decomposed naturally by storing it in pits, and it is converted into manure

Organic Waste Storage and Conversion to Manure

Net Zero Emissions

Carbon Sink

Bio Diversity of Anna University

Anna University was established in 1978 through Tamil Nadu Act 30 of 1978. The main Anna University Campus is in Guindy sprawling 185 acres which supports its own flora and fauna. AUC is blessed with a large number of beautiful and exquisite wild trees which are native to the dry, evergreen forest type that exist here. It is estimated that there are more than 500 species of plants expected in this campus. There are quite a number of exotic species of trees that are introduced for horticultural purpose over a period of time. Trees also play a major role in supporting a large number of birds, insects, animals etc. for food and habitat requirements.

These university campuses shelter native biodiversity within cities are fundamentally ecological landmasses. By and large, the suburbs of south Chennai have sustained some of the leftovers of breathing habitats that characterize north-eastern Tamil Nadu in general. The Anna University, Guindy National Park, Raj Bhavan and Indian Institute of Technology complex has historically enjoyed a certain degree of protection and hence has continued to support a large amount biodiversity. The Guindy National Park is a Protected Area, while the Raj Bhavan Complex is a high security area thereby allowing only very restricted presence of humans. This ensures that the biodiversity in both these areas is conserved in a rather insulated manner. In contrast, the continuous presence of humans on the campus of Anna University and Indian Institute of Technology has warranted a conservation plan with management goals.

Organic food farmed in Campus

Restricted Automobile Movement

Anna University is committed to develop its campuses as places where education is combined with environmentally friendly practices to promote Sustainable development by

  • Peripheral Parking is available beside the Main and Kotturpuram Gate
  • Restricted entry of automobiles, promoting the use of Bicycles and provision of Pedestrian friendly pathways
  • Between (10.30 am to 3.30 pm) there is no vehicle movement inside the campus, for official purpose and local commute it should be entered into the Movement register at the Registrar Office.
  • Designated Parking Slots are allocated at specific areas for easy commute inside the campus

Restricted Automobile Movement

Use of Bicycle and e-vehicles

e-Vehicle for intra campus movement

IES had purchased 2 e-vehicles (4 seater – 1 and 14 seater – 1) funded by Tamil Nadu Power Finance Corporation and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (TNPFCL), a Government of Tamil Nadu Enterprise under CSR initiative for intra campus movement. Post observing the benefits of e-vehicles, CEG hostels had purchased another couple of 14 seater e-Vehicles and dedicated for intra campus movement. Totally four EVs are currently operating inside CEG campus, Anna University

Four-seater BoEV and Fourteen-seater BoEV

On an average, each EV covers about 90 kms per day facilitating movements of differently abled, students, staff members and visitors within the campus in an environmentally friendly atmosphere. Presently all the BoEVs are charged using the grid power from TNEB. It is planned to charge these vehicles using renewable energy systems (viz.,) solar power and green hydrogen to achieve zero carbon emission

Environmental Awareness

Anna University has designed its courses across all programmes, nearly 40% are in thrust areas such as IT envisaged energy, agriculture, healthcare, environment, and green technologies. The courses taught under various programmes empower the students and provide a wide range of technical and hands-on skills contributing to the Nation's development to emerge as a Global leader.

Student volunteers create awareness about a clean environment through rallies with placards on the need for a clean environment, avoiding plastic, and planting more trees. The students also take up lake cleaning at nearby localities. As part of the Geneva Convention Day celebration, students won awards in the essay writing competition

Coast Track Newsletter inside the Campus

Anna University Publishes “Coast Track Newsletter”

  • Ancient Port Sites along the Coast of India
  • Seaweed in South India and East Malaysia Coast : A review
  • Sea Level rise a context of Climate Change a Global Scenario


Beyond the Campus Environmental Promotion ActivitiesClick Here

Institute for Ocean Management is the Resource Partner of MoEF&CC funded scheme EIACP Programme Centre on “Coastal Zone Management and Coastal Shelter Belt” is the one among the 60 Centres in India. IOM has been conducting several awareness activities to commemorate the environmental days in schools, colleges and public places.

Few of our recent activities are listed below

  • Hariyali Saptah 2022 - On 09.07.2022
  • Reintroduction of Cheetah Awareness Program 2022 on 13.09.2022
  • World Cleanup Day 2022 on 17.09.2022
  • World Ozone Day 2022 on 19.09.2022
  • National workshop on “Recent Research Trends in Ocean Engineering, Science and Technology” at IIT Bombay on 22nd - 23rd September, 2022
  • Seaweed India 28th - 29th September, 2022
  • Cheetah Campaign – 14.10.2022
  • International Day for Climate Action 2022 on 28.10.2022
  • World Fisheries Day 2022 Webinar on 21.11.2022

Green Auditing and Accounting

The prevalent environmental issues at the campuses of Anna University are related to Water Supply, Wastewater Management and Solid Waste Management. The Estate Office, Deans of various campuses and authority of Hostels are responsible for managing these issues.

Periodic audits of these issues are carried out by involving experts from different Departments / Centres of the University and inviting experts from external agencies. Water Audit of the Campus in terms of quantification of water demand including hostels and quarters, the supply of water from CMWSSB and groundwater sources, devising and implementing water conservation measures and collection, treatment and reuse and disposal of wastewater have been undertaken in the year 2018-19. Biodegradable Wastes (food, vegetable, paper and cloth wastes) from the Hostel and academic zones of the Campus are managed by Biomethanation.

Promoting ESG Purchase/Procurement

Purchase from companies with green production practices that has minimal negative impact on the environment such as pollution, biodiversity loss or habitat disruption. ESG practicing companies are preferred in Tenders.

Awareness Programs

Lectures and Seminars related to Net-Zero Commitment

Centre for Biotechnology (CBT) Events Seminars and Conferences
Centre for Nanoscience and Technology (CNSAT) Events Seminars and Conferences